The legal analysis of
British Airways. The airline travel industry is becoming progressively
controlled. The opportunity of such control varies from facilities issues with
regards to port capacity and path flight tickets, through new ecological and
protection requirements. Moreover the terrorist attacks cased the use of new
protection rules from the European countries and US, which leads to fall in
customer journeying confidence.
The environment analysis of
British Airways. Some of the ecological
problems that the aircraft industry encounters are noise, air pollution, land
take, water quality and waste management. Aircraft noise has the potential to
change the total well-being of at least half a million people living close to
United Kingdom international airports. Aircraft, airport vehicles and rod
traffic to access international airports release air pollutants, such as
nitrogen oxides, fine contaminants, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Building
an international airport certainly takes area away from its previous uses. In
particular, it may impact wild animals’ environments, landscape and culture.
For example, like many organizations today, British Airways face several
ecological problems such as global warming. Government authorities and policy
makers are now creating rules and policies that will require airways to control
contaminants growth. All airways have to meet a comprehensive range of local,
national and international ecological rules. Environmental control may increase
functional costs each year. However, British Airways has set goals for further
discount rates in their as well as pollutants. For example, their 191 aircraft
engines can help to reduce nitrogen oxide and improve fuel performance.